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Saturday, July 29, 2017

How to prevent getting sick while traveling outside of your country

Getting sick it's almost easy once you go out of your zone of comfort, getting out of your country and getting used to the new weather and climate change and new bacterias and all that microscopic crap, haha.
always get a jacket to be ready. and get some anti flu medicines.
and you have to follow certain rules about what you eat there, there are plenty of delicious looking food serving on the streets (depends on what country you're going mostly in third world countries where they don't really regulate all of their food)
Here are some simple rules that you are common with, Don't eat anything on the streets, always wash your hand at eating and using the bathroom. and don't eat too much junk food. that way you will prevent getting sick
but sooner or later your immune system will fail at fighting some bacterias in that case you don't really need to panic if you have:
-Body Ache
- Slight Dizziness
-Slight Headache

This signs might be of the traveler's diarrhea.
just don't panic it will go away in a couple of days but getting antibiotics, go to your local pharmacy for this over the counter medicine. It will help especially the pills that have Trimethoprim 160mg + Sulfametoxazol 800mg just drink plenty of fluid with it but make you are NOT allergic to this ingredients and if it get worse go to a hospital or talk to your doctor.
enjoy your trip. be safe. and I hope this helps anyone out there
-disclaimer-I'm not a doctor  I just know this is what helped me while traveling.
and this post its not responbile for any accidents.

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